Shiatsu is a Japanese form of physical bodywork, practised to keep a person healthy and well, incorporating gentle manipulation of the body, stretching, holding and mobilization. Shiatsu may involve finger pressure on acupuncture points. Shiatsu is essentially therapeutic massage.
Shiatsu is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine involving ‘Energy or Qi’ which flow in a series of channels in the human body called ‘Meridians’. Shiatsu works with acupuncture points, meridians and the body and mind to sustain you in good health.
In Japan, Shiatsu has been practiced in its current form since the nineteenth century. Traditionally massage in Japan was performed by blind people and called ‘anma’.
Shiatsu can be practised on a massage table, in a seated position and on the floor using a futon.
Shiatsu can help:
Mount Pleasant
High Street
North Yorkshire
BD23 1JZ
01756 796690
01756 796690
to enquire about appointments and prices
or email: